Fast forward to the spring of 2021. You’re taking the sun on a tropical beach at a luxury resort, winding down after full day of physical, mental, and spiritual exertion. Everyone around you has some form of limb difference, and they’ve come from everywhere—Europe, Asia, South America, the U.S., you name it. The participants include some high-profile amputees, such as a nine-year-old model who’s wowed ’em in Paris and a world-champion bodybuilder who once inspired the envy of Arnold Schwarzenegger.
And if you’re lucky, you haven’t paid a penny for the privilege.
That’s because Ben Lovell, whose story we shared with you earlier this summer, is giving away one free admission to the April 2021 session of Amp Camp Tenerife. Far from a self-indulgent holiday, Amp Camp is meant to give amputees encouragement and guidance to push themselves, expand capacity, build confidence, and conquer their limitations. Camaraderie and fun are also part of the package, but the objective is more about motivation than relaxation. “It’s a life-changing experience,” Lovell says. “You have the power in you to overcome anything that life throws at you. Do what you need to improve your mindset and live the life you want.”
The inaugural January 2021 session sold out in short order (although some extra slots were added, so you might still be able to sneak in). To meet the demand, Lovell added April and September camps—and as a sweetener, he’s holding a contest that ends September 1, with the winner (and a guest) getting free attendance to the April 9-16, 2021 camp.
Where do you sign up? The contest rules are right here. You have until September 1 to write a short statement describing who you are and how you think Amp Camp can help you break through barriers, overcome your fears, and strengthen your mind and body.
If you don’t win the contest or would just as soon pay your own way, here’s the booking page.
“I like to think of amputees as wolves,” Lovell adds. “We have become part of pack. Surround yourself with people that remind you that you matter, and support you in the ways that matter most to you.”