Prosthetic Insurance Coverage for Amputees: 2024 Legislation Tracker
Use Amplitude's state-by-state bill tracker to follow the progress of 2024's So Every Body Can Move bills, which are designed ...
Use Amplitude's state-by-state bill tracker to follow the progress of 2024's So Every Body Can Move bills, which are designed ...
The So Every Body Can Move campaign seeks to reform prosthetic insurance laws on a state-by-state basis. For the second ...
With a few clicks in an online survey, you can help amputee advocates compile the data necessary to promote fair ...
Six states considered So Kids Can Move legislation this year to reform legislation for prosthetic devices. Here is the final ...
What would it cost to provide a recreational prosthesis to every lower-limb amputee? The per capita cost is so affordable, ...
In half a dozen states this year, amputees, prosthetists, and other citizens are pushing legislators toward better, broader prosthetic insurance coverage.
This Friday, amputee advocates will gather to celebrate passage of the So New Mexicans Can Move Act. Kyle Stepp thinks ...
Use Amplitude Magazine's state-by-state bill tracker to follow the progress of 2023 bills designed to expand access to prosthetic devices ...
A perfect storm is brewing in the New Mexico legislature, and it might be potent enough to blow away barriers ...
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Today’s amputees are living more dynamic lives than ever before. Amplitude tells their stories.