Tag: mobility

The Art of Adaptation

The Art of Adaptation

After decades as a regular prosthesis user, I lost my ability to walk and switched to a wheelchair. The change ...

The Airbnb of Accessible Travel

The Airbnb of Accessible Travel

If you’re looking for disability-friendly accommodations, Becoming Rentable has a database of more than 1,000 thoroughly vetted accessible short-term rentals—everything ...

How I Got Back on the Move

How I Got Back on the Move

People often believe there is something wrong with them if they struggle. But I’ve found that struggle is a necessary, ...

Sarah Doherty, 1959-2023

Sarah Doherty, 1959-2023

Sarah Doherty’s truest worth is measured not in the summits she conquered, but in the hearts she touched. The pioneering ...
