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Losing Your Nest Egg Can Kill You

...Image vulp/ When people lose 75 percent or more of their total wealth during a two-year period, they are 50 ...

Need A Break?

...relieve stress, get some rest, take care of personal business, or just have some “me time.” Respite caregivers can provide ...

Beware Of Buying Medicine Online

...the National Community Pharmacists Association found the notion is untrue, since community pharmacies may offer comparable prices and are more ...

Take A Hike

...around the world. While these amazing feats show the world what amputees are capable of, you don’t have to commit ...

Current Issue

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Improving Recovery During Rehab

Improving Recovery During Rehab from skilled nursing facilities into the home setting will be the next critical step.” This article was adapted from ...

Sex and Intimacy After Amputation

Sex and Intimacy After Amputation

...feel about yourself. Trust and communication are key components to any intimate relationship. You and your partner must trust each ...


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Going Old School

Going Old School

...amputees who aren’t able or ready to get out and seek in-person support. This article is partly based on an ...

How To Measure Your Progress his or her own pace. Comparing your progress with another person’s is therefore a false measure. How can you ...

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