If you haven’t perused the selection of 2022 gifts for amputees that we included in our November/December print edition, you can check that out here. But, as happens every year, we ran out of pages before we ran out of good amputee gift ideas. So here’s another dozen and a half suggestions for what you might put into your loved one’s (or your own) stocking.
Most of the products on this list have reached the marketplace within the last 12 months. If you don’t see what you’re looking for here, we’ve got plenty of other gift ideas for amputees on our lists from 2021 and 2020—scroll all the way down to find those. Happy shopping!
2022 Amputee Gifts: Stuff to Do
BE BETTER LIFE ACADEMY: OVERCOMING ADVERSITY. After she lost her right arm in a car accident at 22, Suzan Nguyen battled through depression, bitterness, and despair to come out stronger and happier than ever. Her Overcoming Adversity course offers philosophical insights and practical advice for anyone who’s facing a steep challenge, be it limb loss, another health challenge, or anything else. Info at bebetterlife.academy.
STRONG BODY. Cosi Belloso distilled years of experience as an amputee-focused physical therapist into her Strong Body book and video series. For $14.99 a month (or $155 annually), you get access to exercise programs tailored for amputees of every age, sex, and fitness level. Strong Body is designed to help you build the physical foundation and mental habits for a healthy, active life. Info at strongbody.cositalks.com.
REIKI HEALING SESSION. Certified healer Melissa D’Errico was born with a limb difference and has found healing and strength through the ancient Japanese discipline of Reiki. A single session can relieve tension and stress while promoting physical and emotional healing. Online sessions are $45 per half-hour; in-person sessions (D’Errico practices in southeast Florida) are $95 per hour. Info at radianthealinghearts.com.
2022 Amputee Gifts: Stuff to Wear
PUSH COLLECTION. The latest venture from serial entrepreneur Keisha Green, this online boutique features a curated set of amputee-friendly clothes. You’ll find everything from jeans, joggers, and jumpsuits to luxe outfits for a day at the office or a night on the town—all showcased by amputee models. See the catalog at shoppushcollection.com.
PRINZI PRINTZ. Digital creator Kayley Prinzi lost her right leg in an auto accident a little over two years ago. She opened her online boutique this summer, featuring a range of her whimsical designs (we like the “Good Vibes” and “Dopamine” merch) on hoodies, tees, joggers, etc. See the collection at creator-spring.com, or meet the artist on Instagram @kayleyprinzess.
STEMWEAR. These “one-legged leggings” weren’t specifically designed for lower-limb amputees, but they might as well have been. They picked up a high-profile ally at Runway of Dreams’ annual New York Fashion Week show, which Boston Marathon survivor Adrienne Haslett attended as Stemwear’s special guest. More info at wearstemwear.com.
SOLE-MATE SHOES. This amputee-owned shoe-exchange platform only launched a few months ago, so the browsing selection still kind of light. But you can help it grow. List the shoe(s) you have available by size/gender/foot, and you’ll be automatically matched with a sole-mate if there’s one in the database. Sign up at solemateconnections.wixsite.com.
AMPUTEE UGLY XMAS SWEATER. A holiday classic, tailored for the limb-loss crowd. Offered by our friends at The Liner Wand; order at thelinerwand.com.
BIRDABILITY TEE. Here’s the perfect gift for the adaptive birdwatcher in your life. The graphic celebrates the various technologies that help all birders—disabled or non-disabled—enjoy this rapidly growing pastime. Proceeds support Birdability.org, a national organization (and Audubon Society partner) that promotes birdwatching among people with mobility challenges. Order at bonfire.com/birdability-week-2022 through Nov. 30.
CROCS UNIVERSAL. The latest iconic brand to come out with an adaptive/inclusive line, Crocs unveiled their adjustable, slip-resistant clogs this year. The shoes were developed in collaboration with Zappos Adaptive. Find them at zappos.com.
2022 Amputee Gifts: Stuff to Read and Watch
BODY AM I. Newly published by MIT Press, this fascinating read explores the link between perception of body and perception of self. Author Moheb Costandi, a trained neuroscientist and popular science writer, describes the brain’s subconscious processes of bodily mapping, and explains how the disruption of this process is related to phantom limb pain, amputee fetishism, bodily integrity identity disorder, and other phenomena that can result when body and brain are out of sync. Order at mitpress.mit.edu.
HANDED A GREATER PURPOSE. Since losing both arms below the elbow in 2008, Jason Koger has become one of the world’s best-known interpreters of the amputee experience. He’s also a prolific bionic-hand tester and user, TED Talker, fundraiser, and TV actor—and now he’s an author to boot. Buy a copy of his memoir at jasonkoger.com.
STANDING TALL: KIRSTIE ENNIS ON EVEREST. This 40-minute documentary focuses on the hardest one-seventh of Ennis’s quest to climb the highest peak on every continent. She attempted Everest in 2019, after already having conquered Kilimanjaro (Africa), Elbrus (Europe), Aconcagua (South America), and Puncak Jaya (continental Australia). Standing Tall came out earlier this year after a long delay. It streams exclusively at Outside Watch.
STILL STANDING. Newly published in paperback, this memoir traces author Jess Quinn’s journey from childhood cancer to stardom as an adaptive model and social media influencer. Honest about her struggles as well as her triumphs, Quinn writes from the heart. Order at Book Depository.
AMPLITUDE’S GUIDE TO LIVING WITH LIMB LOSS. Shameless self-promotion alert: Our Guide makes a great stocking stuffer at just $6.50 a pop. There’s tons of info packed into 96 pages, covering everything from prosthetic tech to rehab, finance, mental health, sports, sex, and beyond. Order at livingwithamplitude.com.
2022 Amputee Gifts: Other Stuff
UPSTREET PICKLEBALL PADDLE. If you haven’t tried pickleball yet, you’re missing out. Our recent articles about amputees’ growing love for this sport got an enthusiastic response from first-timers and veteran players alike. The Upstreet paddles are affordable ($29 to $49) and extremely popular—ideal for new pickleballers who just want to get the hang of the game. Order at upstreetpickleball.com.
ADAPTIVE STRIDER. Here’s something perfect for the young amputee on your shopping list. Strider provides custom alterations to its all-terrain riding machines at no extra cost for kids with limb difference and other adaptive needs. Get information at striderbikes.com/adaptive.
TAO PHANTOM GEL. Developed in conjunction with active amputees Ben Lovell and Mark Riddinghton, this CBD product specifically targets phantom limb pain, residual limb pain, and pressure sores/blisters. It’s only been on the market for a few months, and it’s mainly available in the UK, so you can be the first person on your block to try it. Order at taocbd.com.
MICROSOFT ADAPTIVE ACCESSORIES. Unveiled at the 2022 Ability Summit, this suite of connectivity tools allow you to customize your computing and/or gaming devices for easy access and use. They’re designed for people with a variety of disabilities, including upper-limb amputees. Learn more at microsoft.com.
EDDIE BAUER FLYLINE ADAPTIVE JACKET AND BIB. Here’s the perfect gift for the sit-skier in your life. Designed in collaboration with adaptive ski star Trevor Kennison, this gear combines function and comfortable fit with shredworthy performance features. Order at eddiebauer.com.