We’ve spent two or three months talking up the 2022 Amputee Community Survey, which Amplitude is co-sponsoring with The Liner Wand. Now it’s time for us step aside and let you do the talking.
Spend 10 minutes sharing your experience, opinions, and insights in this 100 percent confidential survey, and you’ll accomplish two things. First of all, you’ll put yourself in the running for the boatload of swag Amplitude and the Liner Wand are giving away over the next couple of months. Every week that the survey is live, we’ll be giving a $50 gift card to one survey respondent chosen at random. The sooner you fill out the survey, the more weeks you’ll be eligible to win. If your name does get drawn, you’ll get a $50 gift card for any local merchant of your choosing.
There will also a Grand Prize awarded when the survey closes next month. That basket of goodies includes a $100 gift card, an annual Liner Wand subscription, plus merch from our partners and co-sponsors: workout videos from Cosi Talks, amputee-friendly jeans from No Limbits, fashion accessories from Socket Socks, and inclusive apparel from Uniteable. All respondents are eligible for that package, including the weekly giveaway winners. So if you’re feeling lucky, no need to hold back. you could win twice.
All we’re asking in return is a few minutes of your time and some confidential information that can help educate prosthetists, product developers, health providers, and media know-it-alls like us. Your privacy will be closely guarded, your personal information won’t be sold, and you won’t get bombarded by spam. The only outcome we’re shooting for is to become more responsive to you and other people with limb difference.
Last year’s survey was a great first step, but we’re shooting for a richer data trove in 2022. While the amputee community’s resource network is constantly growing and getting stronger, there’s always room for improvement. The more all of us understand the community’s wants and needs, the better we can serve you.
If you need a bit more persuasion, here’s a list of five ways you can benefit by filling out the survey. Get started at thelinerwand.com/tlw-2022-amputee-community-survey/.