Are you seeking resources for amputees?
Our amputee resource directory lists hundreds of organizations that offer various types of resources for amputees. This searchable, user-friendly database includes contact information, website links, and descriptions to help you easily find resources for amputees. Whether you’re a new amputee or have been living with limb loss for years, our amputee resource directory can help you find support for prosthetic care, social connection, healthcare, amputee rehab, kids’ programming, and more.
There are three ways to find amputee resources in this directory:
Looking for resources for amputees?
Our amputee resource directory lists hundreds organizations that offer resources for amputees. Choose a category from the menu below, or type a keyword or state name into the search bar to find programs, services, and organizations that help amputees.
Use the drop-down menu labeled “Browse by Category: I Am Looking For . . . ” Then choose the type of amputee resources that best fits your need.
Enter a word or phrase into the search bar that describes the amputee resources you’re looking for. Sample search terms: “diabetes,” “uninsured,” “camp,” “SSDI,” “upper-limb amputee,” “job training,” etc.
Using the search bar, enter the name of the state where you’re trying to find amputee resources. Type the full name of the state, not just the two-letter abbreviation.
Scroll below to the drop-down menu labeled “Browse by Category: I Am Looking For . . . ” Then choose the type of amputee resources that best fits your need.
Using the search bar, enter a word or short phrase that describes the specific type of amputee resources you’re looking for.
Using the search bar, enter the name of the state where you’re trying to find amputee resources. Type the full name of the state, not just the two-letter abbreviation.
- The results are being filtered by the region: Ontario
Amputee Coalition of Toronto
Amputee Coalition of Toronto is an amputee peer support group. We promote an active lifestyle for all levels of activity. Through our meetups, we encourage and motivate each other to adopt a full life. We aspire to truly live every day without limits, demonstrating that there is life after amputation.
Toronto Ontario
- The results are being filtered by the region: Ontario
Amputee Coalition of Toronto
Amputee Coalition of Toronto is an amputee peer support group. We promote an active lifestyle for all levels of activity. Through our meetups, we encourage and motivate each other to adopt a full life. We aspire to truly live every day without limits, demonstrating that there is life after amputation.
Toronto Ontario
Amputee Resource Directory: Category Icons
All entries in the Amputee Community Resource Directory are assigned to a primary category, represented by the corresponding icon. Here are the types of resources for amputees that each icon represents:
Adaptive sports and
recreation programs
Clothes, shoes, or
prosthetic covers
Financial assistance for a
prosthesis or other needs
Health, mental health,
physical therapy, or rehab services
Kids’ programs
and support
Military veteran
programs and support
Political and legal
advocacy organizations
Social connection, peer support,
or information resources
Other amputee resources
Some organizations offer multiple types of resources for amputees and are assigned to multiple categories. For example, an organization that provides outdoor recreation programs for disabled veterans will appear if you sort by “Adaptive Sports Programs” and if you sort by “Military Veterans Programs.”
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