Posted April 16, 2014
Amplitude Media Group (AMG), publisher of the Limb Loss Resource Guide, is conducting targeted marketing research to assess the need for a new, independent, amputee-focused magazine.
Short surveys directed toward amputees, prosthetics practitioners, and manufacturers and distributors of prosthetic devices can be found at The surveys are live from April 15-May 31, 2014. To encourage participation, 12 $25 gift cards will be awarded.
AMG, the sister company of Western Media LLC, which publishes The O&P EDGE, was launched earlier this year. Given the success of the Limb Loss Resource Guide, AMG is assessing the viability of and need to further close the information gap faced by individuals with limb loss and limb difference by providing a new, independent, amputee-focused magazine.
“Since the debut of the Limb Loss Resource Guide, requests for us to launch an amputee-focused magazine have increased dramatically,” AMG President Tonja Randolph said. “With the new company, we are poised to proceed. We appreciate the positive feedback AMG has received on the Limb Loss Resource Guide and look forward to expanding our product offerings.”