Want to Work in Agriculture?

If you are an amputee and want to work in farming, fishing, forestry, ranching, or another agricultural field, you may want to learn about the AgrAbility Project. The program offers a number of free services that help workers with disabilities benefit from advances in rehabilitation and assistive technology.

The AgrAbility staff can help solve problems that prevent you from completing tasks, assisting you by phone or email, or by conducting assessments at your home or work site. For example, if you can’t operate machinery because you have lost your legs, the AgrAbility staff could install hand controls for you. If you can’t hold a hammer, pliers, pitchfork, or other tools you need, the staff could help you acquire specially adapted tools that can be attached to your prosthesis. If your wheelchair can’t access certain areas because of rough terrain, the staff could help you adapt your wheelchair or find another way to gain access.

In some cases, AgrAbility might refer you to other service providers for funding assistance or to peer support opportunities where you can meet other workers with disabilities and learn how they deal with the obstacles you face. Whether the AgrAbility staff can help you directly or refers you to others, the program is a great first stop on your path to independence.

For more information, visit www.agrability.org.

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