The amputee support network has come a long way in recent years. But gaps persist, and the lack of good data about the amputee population is a big reason why.
Amplitude and The Liner Wand are co-sponsoring the 2022 Amputee Community Survey to fill in some blanks, sharpen everyone’s picture of who amputees are, and identify resources that can improve your lives.
You can take the survey at thelinerwand.com/tlw-2022-amputee-community-survey. What’s in it for you? Here are five reasons to participate.
1. Be heard by decision makers
We wrote the questions with input from prosthetists, researchers, amputee advocates, and others who shape the products and programs that affect you. Those folks are eager for feedback on how well they’re doing—and how they can do better.
2. Educate healthcare professionals
Last year’s survey was read by scores of clinicians who work with amputees. Here’s your chance to help physical therapists, mental health counselors, pain specialists, surgeons, gerontologists, and other practitioners learn how to serve you more effectively.
3. Become a stronger self-advocate
Ever been told you’re setting your expectations too high, or the outcome you want is impossible or unrealistic? Survey data can give you some baselines to share with your practitioners, equipping you to hold more constructive conversations.
4. Discover resources you didn’t know about
The survey isn’t just about crunching numbers. It’s also a way to pool information, suggestions, and ideas. Think of it as a resource directory that combines quantitative metrics with qualitative tips.
5. Better understand your community—and yourself
We all know ourselves better when we can compare our experiences with those of our peers. The 2022 Amputee Community Survey will give you the broad context to help guide your personal journey.
6. BONUS REASON: Win prizes!
Every week, one lucky survey-taker will receive some merch from one of our promotional partners. You could win amp-friendly jeans from No Limbits, accessories from Socket Socks, exercise videos from Cosi Talks, cool clothes from Uniteable, and more.
Take the survey at thelinerwand.com/tlw-2022-amputee-community-survey/.