Silver Linings Playlist: An Amputee's Songs of Healing

Silver Linings Playlist: An Amputee’s Songs of Healing

During my recovery from limb loss, I started a playlist to map out my feelings. And it helped. Anytime I heard a song that spoke to how I was feeling at that moment or that got stuck in my head, ...
Internalized Ableism and Limb Loss: Our Own Worst Enemies

Internalized Ableism and Limb Loss: Our Own Worst Enemies

A lot of amputees fall prey to internalized ableism without even knowing it. If you do this, you’re not just hurting yourself. You’re depriving society of your gifts ...
Paul Demeyer's Amputee Sketchbook

Paul Demeyer’s Amputee Sketchbook

Award-winning animator Paul Demeyer is working an illustrated memoir that documents his adaptations to limb loss and his ongoing search to find peace, balance, and spiritual meaning.  ...
Sam Tokita's Photography: What Lies Beneath the Surface of Disabled Bodies

Sam Tokita’s Photography: What Lies Beneath the Surface of Disabled Bodies

Amputee photographer and model Sam Tokita wants people to perceive disabled bodies in all their facets—not just the strength and beauty, but also the many layers beneath ...
Redefining Accessible Travel

Redefining Accessible Travel

After I became an amputee, getting back on the road took more than physical adaptations and logistical hacks. It required a whole new mindset, different objectives, and revised strategy ...
Bionic Skins' Scientific Socket Solution

Bionic Skins’ Scientific Socket Solution

At his new clinic, Bionic Skins, Hugh Herr wants to transform fabrication of prosethtic liners and sockets for amputees from a largely artisanal process into a scientific one ...
Commuting for Prosthetic Care: Ain’t No Mountain High Enough

Commuting for Prosthetic Care: Ain’t No Mountain High Enough

For some amputees, no distance is too great to travel for a prosthetist who makes their life work. Here's how they weigh the tradeoffs and manage the extra effort required to commute for care ...
Playing the Market: Why Do Prosthetics Cost So Much?

Playing the Market: Why Do Prosthetics Cost So Much?

Yes, mobility is priceless. But does the cost of a prosthetic leg really have to be so high? Here's why amputees and their insurers end up paying so much for prosthetic technology ...