What’s So Toxic About Toxic Positivity?
Hiding negative emotions behind an artificially positive facade is supposed to be bad for you. But when I did this after limb loss, ...
Hiding negative emotions behind an artificially positive facade is supposed to be bad for you. But when I did this after limb loss, ...
After losing his left leg below the knee in a 2022 motorcycle accident, Randy Layman carved out a unique niche ...
Spiritual journeys can help amputees (both religious and nonreligious) find comfort and inner strength, while taking a more active role ...
A lot of amputees fall prey to internalized ableism without even knowing it. If you do this, you’re not just ...
Award-winning animator Paul Demeyer is working an illustrated memoir that documents his adaptations to limb loss and his ongoing search ...
During my recovery from limb loss, I started a playlist to map out my feelings. And it helped. Anytime I ...
After losing his leg in a truck accident, 17-year Army veteran John Wade realized he had a choice to make: ...
When Angelina Martinson met a Paralympian face to face, she discovered how much her life as an ordinary amputee overlapped ...
When the star of Stump Kitchen started painting colorful characters onto her residual limb, she learned about lots of other ...
In true, objective reality, there are no such things as “problems.” There are only evolutionary invitations for us to enter ...
Doctors can read your chart and evaluate your symptoms. But they might not understand the physical and emotional challenges that ...
The first step in managing grief is to identify a source of inner strength. That principle underlies Ritual for Loss ...
Studies suggest that emotional and psychological factors play significant roles in driving diabetes-related amputations. Yet few doctors address psychological factors ...
The constant stream of awful news in world affairs can give rise to feelings of hopelessness. Here are a handful ...
It’s human to define amputation as a loss. Yet I am learning that “loss” does not accurately describe the actual ...
After losing her leg, Chris Prange-Morgan couldn't do laundry, make meals, or do many other things she thought a good ...
Everyone said losing a leg didn’t have to slow me down. But staying active wasn't easy. Did I do something ...
Peter Rosenberger’s new book, A Minute for Caregivers, offers short, accessible chapters with practical words to help you navigate everyday ...
My accident left me with two badly damaged legs. Should I try to save them? Or would amputation set me ...
According to amputee reiki practitioner Melissa D'Errico, reiki can’t bring your limb back, but it can ease your distress and ...
When an indifferent medical clinician causes you to doubt or discount your symptoms, you’ve been affected by medical gaslighting. What ...
Dating is always scary, and amputees feel especially vulnerable in relationships. But limb loss clarifies your sense of who'll be ...
For amputees, adapting to life in a wheelchair life is quite different than adapting to life on prosthetic legs. Here's ...
How can amputees get better sleep? The lack of solid research leaves everyone in the dark. We don't have a ...
Because our bodies have experienced trauma, amputees are more prone to fight-or-flight triggers than most people. Understanding your ANS can ...
Less than a year after Dan Edmondson lost both legs, a peyote healing ceremony cured his phantom limb pain. But ...
Clinical trials are now underway to investigate psychedelics’ effects on phantom limb pain, depression, PTSD, opioid addiction, and other amputee ...
Being unique is lovely, but at times it can be a burden for amputees. Nonconforming body shape, unusual gait, and ...
The theory that psychedelics might help alleviate phantom limb pain isn’t new. It’s decades old—and the earliest research dates back ...
Amputees routinely struggle with disrupted sleep patterns. Above-knee amputee Elayna Alexandra's solution doesn’t require a prescription, and it’s totally free.
Colton Eberhardy wasn’t sure he wanted to live. Losing a leg helped the Wisconsin teenager understand his identity and find ...
Alexandra Boutté felt especially vulnerable in the months after her amputation. But instead of donning emotional armor, she maintained friendships ...
When she discovered life coaching a few years ago, recent amputee Elayna Alexandra gained a new understanding of how mental ...
Do you ever have moments when your world stops short because you’re hurting and you can’t get out and be ...
by Alexandra Boutté Have you ever felt like the few strings that hold you together have started to unravel like an ...
Every morning, Ricky Bartlett wakes up and turns on the television before doing anything else. But it's not the flat-screen ...
By Erin Deegan Sex. Three little letters arranged in such a way to make most humans blush. Why is something so ...
LOSS OF A LIMB IS MORE THAN A PHYSICAL LOSS. While the change in a person’s body is obvious, it ...
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Today’s amputees are living more dynamic lives than ever before. Amplitude tells their stories.