Matchmaking: An Amputee’s Guide to Finding the Right Prosthetist
Finding a prosthetist is a lot like dating. This is an extremely important, even intimate relationship. Here’s how I’ve learned to tell the princes from the frogs.

Podcast for Amputees Promotes Active Listening
I didn’t realize podcasts can do more than inform and entertain. But when I started a show for amputees, I learned that podcasts are really about building a community.

What’s So Toxic About Toxic Positivity?
Hiding negative emotions behind an artificially positive facade is supposed to be bad for you. But when I did this after limb loss, it actually helped…until it didn’t.

Study: ACA Reduced Amputation Rates
According to a new study, amputation rates among people with advanced vascular disease have dropped sharply since the Affordable Care Act was implemented in 2014.

ROMP Celebrates 10 Years of Climbing for Amputees
The Range of Motion Project celebrates its tenth year of climbing volcanic mountains to support mobility for amputees in the United States, Ecuador, and Guatemala.

Medicare Expands MPK Coverage for Amputees: 5 Things to Know
On September 1, Medicare expanded its coverage of microprocessor knees (MPKs) to include K2-level amputees. It’s a win for the principle that advanced prosthetics should be widely available.

Brain-Controlled Prosthetic Limbs Take Another Step Forward
Agonist-antagonist myoneural interface (AMI) surgery—which restores broken nerve circuits in the residual limb—gives amputees unprecedented ability to control prosthetic legs with their thoughts.

An Amputee’s Rehab Journey, the Second Time Around
The first time Joan Dill adjusted to life as an amputee, in 2013, she was just getting ready to retire. Ten years later she had to adjust again after losing a second limb.

The Spiritual Cure for Limb Loss
Hospital chaplain Rev. Arnold Hoskins has had many amputees ask why God (or the universe) is punishing them. Resolving such questions is a crucial part of the healing journey.

Irrational Exuberance
The September 2024 edition of Amplitude Magazine features articles about amputees and toxic positivity, senior housing for amputees, podcasts, finding a prosthetist, and more.

Study: ACA Reduced Amputation Rates
According to a new study, amputation rates among people with advanced vascular disease have dropped sharply since the Affordable Care Act was implemented in 2014.

ROMP Celebrates 10 Years of Climbing for Amputees
The Range of Motion Project celebrates its tenth year of climbing volcanic mountains to support mobility for amputees in the United States, Ecuador, and Guatemala.

Medicare Expands MPK Coverage for Amputees: 5 Things to Know
On September 1, Medicare expanded its coverage of microprocessor knees (MPKs) to include K2-level amputees. It’s a win for the principle that advanced prosthetics should be widely available.

Brain-Controlled Prosthetic Limbs Take Another Step Forward
Agonist-antagonist myoneural interface (AMI) surgery—which restores broken nerve circuits in the residual limb—gives amputees unprecedented ability to control prosthetic legs with their thoughts.

An Amputee’s Rehab Journey, the Second Time Around
The first time Joan Dill adjusted to life as an amputee, in 2013, she was just getting ready to retire. Ten years later she had to adjust again after losing a second limb.

The Spiritual Cure for Limb Loss
Hospital chaplain Rev. Arnold Hoskins has had many amputees ask why God (or the universe) is punishing them. Resolving such questions is a crucial part of the healing journey.

Irrational Exuberance
The September 2024 edition of Amplitude Magazine features articles about amputees and toxic positivity, senior housing for amputees, podcasts, finding a prosthetist, and more.