There are so many nonprofits doing good work on behalf of amputees that it seems impossible to keep track of them all. But we’re going to try anyway. Every week we’ll highlight one organization or person that’s out there trying to make life better for amputees. This week’s Worthy Cause: Limbitless Solutions.

Name: Limbitless Solutions
Founder: Albert Manero co-founded Limbitless Solutions in 2014 while earning his masters degree in engineering from the University of Central Florida. Inspired by an interview with a designer of 3D-printed mechanical hands, Manero enlisted fellow students and university resources to develop high-performing, custom-built arm prostheses and donate them to kids. The program has since branched out into clinical research and other forms of assistive technology, while partnering with high-powered manufacturers, development agencies, and health-care organizations.
What they do: Design and custom-build 3D-printed bionic arms for children; conduct clinical research; develop video games to train bionic-arm users; educate future bionic limb designers and engineers.
Who they serve: Children with upper-limb difference.
In Manero’s own words: “I’ve always wanted to be able to use engineering for more than just inside the laboratory. You hear about these kids who have no hope, and then all of a sudden a little bit of teamwork and engineering gives these families hope. . . . I have learned how to ‘dream big dreams’ about global innovation. I have a dream that someday we can work with the U.N. and UNICEF to set up 3D stations around the world to help every child who can benefit from this. I want to push the limits of design, engineering and art to make people say, ‘Wow.’”
Get involved: Limbitless Solutions’ partners range from global leaders such as Adobe and AutoDesk to local businesses, foundations. There are multiple ways to partner, from providing in-kind expertise to sponsoring bionic-arm recipients, underwriting education programs, and donating supplies and materials.
Make a donation:
Connect with Limbitless Solutions: On Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.
Other Worthy Causes
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Penta Prosthetics
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Looking for the Helpers (July/August 2020 issue of Amplitude)