Study Highlights Consumer Concerns About Smart Home Technologies

The smart home can be defined as the integration of internet-enabled digital devices with sensors and machine learning in the home. The aim of smart home devices is to provide enhanced entertainment services, easier management of the home, domestic chores, and protection from domestic risks. They can be found in devices such as smart speakers and hubs, lighting, sensors, door locks and cameras, central heating thermostats, and domestic appliances. (See pg. 18 to learn how amputees can benefit from smart home technologies.)

To better understand consumers’ perceptions of the desirability of the smart home, researchers from the University of Warwick carried out a nationally representative survey of consumers in the United Kingdom designed to measure adoption and acceptability, focusing on awareness, ownership, experience, trust, satisfaction, and intention to use. The results reveal consumer concerns about privacy and security.

The findings suggest that consumers had anxiety about the likelihood of a security incident, as overall people tend to mildly agree that they are likely to risk privacy as well as a security breach when using smart home devices.

When asked to evaluate the impact of a privacy breach, people tend to disagree that its impact will be low, suggesting that they expect the impact of a privacy breach to be significant.

This article was adapted from information provided by the University of Warwick.

IMAGE: Andrey Popov/

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