American Diabetes Association Launches Site for Insulin Affordability Advocates

The American Diabetes Association (Association) unveiled a new online part of its Stand Up for Affordable Insulin Initiative, which was launched in November 2016. The site houses key resources, including the Association’s national petition for insulin affordability. The Association’s petition calls for all entities in the insulin supply chain to increase transparency and ensure that no person with diabetes is denied affordable insulin. It also calls for Congress to hold hearings with these entities to identify the reasons for the dramatic increases in insulin prices and take action to protect Americans with diabetes.

Insulin affordability is a complex issue with many different players. The Stand Up for Affordable Insulin site is designed to be a resource, action center, and story-sharing platform where people can learn more about the issue and get involved by signing the petition, sharing their personal stories, and becoming advocates. The site includes information on the rising cost of insulin, relevant peer-reviewed research, news coverage about insulin affordability, and other resources. The site also includes anecdotal information on the impact of rising insulin costs from people with diabetes and those who care for them.

“Since mid-November, more than 150,000 people have signed our petition calling for urgent action by Congress and the insulin supply chain to make insulin affordable,” said Desmond Schatz, MD, immediate past president, Medicine & Science, for the Association.

With the 115th Congress now in session, the launch of the site marks the latest step in the Association’s efforts to urge Congress to hold hearings with all entities in the insulin supply chain.

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This article was adapted from information provided by the Association.

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