NAAOP Announces Officers for 114th Congress

The National Association for the Advancement of Orthotics and Prosthetics (NAAOP) announced its new officers for the 114th Congress (2015-2016):


David McGill, JD, was elected president. A strong O&P advocate for many years, he has served on the NAAOP board since 2009, most recently as vice president. He also is a former board member of the Amputee Coalition.

McGill, who has a history of business leadership and innovation, is the vice president of reimbursement and compliance at Össur Americas, Foothill Ranch, California. Since joining Össur in 2006, he has obtained two of the five reimbursement codes for lower-limb prostheses granted by Medicare during that time. He provides in-person and web-based presentations to practitioners, business owners, and billing personnel in the O&P industry. He also authors two blogs, Össur R&R and less is more, and cohosts the monthly podcast Amp’d.

“David has a unique combination of personal experience with limb loss, professional knowledge of prosthetics and orthotics, and a strong sense of advocacy coupled with a passion to give other amputees the opportunities afforded to him,” said NAAOP General Counsel Peter Thomas, JD.
George Breece, NAAOP executive director, added, “Dave is a first-class gentleman who not only understands limb loss as a patient but has a true sense of caring for others and a strong work ethic for advocacy not seen every day. We are proud to have him as our president for the 114th Congress.”

Jim Rogers, CPO/L, FAAOP, is vice president. He is the managing practitioner for Pinnacle Orthotic and Prosthetic Services in Chattanooga, Tennessee, and is a past president of the American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists.

Ashlie White is the secretary/treasurer. She has been the director of project development for Beacon Prosthetics and Orthotics, Raleigh, North Carolina, since 2008. She is currently enrolled in graduate studies for a master of art degree in technology and communication at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where she received her undergraduate degree in journalism in 2005.

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