Test-Case Scenarios Improve Amputee Care

Test-Case Scenarios Improve Amputee Care

Ever wondered how to find projects that are actively recruiting amputee subjects? Here's how to decide which studies are good fits for you, how to connect with research teams, and how to guarantee your privacy ...
Amputees With Diabetes: Living in the Shadows

Amputees With Diabetes: Living in the Shadows

Amputees who lost their limb to diabetes are barely visible on social media, so nondisabled Americans are getting an incomplete view of who amputees are and how they live ...
Love Don't Come Easy for Amputees

Love Don’t Come Easy for Amputees

Finding love is hard for everyone, especially for amputees. When I needed some insights about what makes for a successful relationship, I reached out to the experts: other amputees ...
When Will Mind-Controlled Prosthetics Reach Consumers?

When Will Mind-Controlled Prosthetics Reach Consumers?

Neuroprosthetic devices could transform amputees’ lives—if they ever escape the R&D dungeon. Read about the opportunities for progress, and the obstacles that keep these advanced devices off the market ...
Physical Therapist Ups the Ante as Educator for the Amputee Community

Physical Therapist Ups the Ante as Educator for the Amputee Community

By Élan Young When Cosi Belloso talks about her profession as a physical therapist (PT) who serves the amputee community, her buoyant passion and commitment bubble up. This, despite that she has had to go against the grain in the ...
Sex and Intimacy After Amputation

Sex and Intimacy After Amputation

By Erin Deegan Sex. Three little letters arranged in such a way to make most humans blush. Why is something so human so awkward to discuss? As amputees, we have additional challenges and fears involved with this topic that others ...
Does Your Bucket Have a Hole in It?

Does Your Bucket Have a Hole in It?

By Eric Quander As amputees, we may sometimes feel that when we lost our limb(s), so went our zing for life. We may appear to have lost hope, direction, and any interest in exploring anything new. When I went through ...


By Élan Young Images courtesy of Hunter Woodhall and Tara Davis. Watch anyof the videos on Hunter Woodhall and Tara Davis’ YouTube channel (www.youtube.com/channel/UCIK0rlPzvgI0tCwuHrtO82w) and you’ll feel the energy between this young couple, both 19-year-old rising track stars. Woodhall, a ...