Without Any Warning: Casualties of a Caribbean Vacation
by Stefanie Schaffer

The author was 22 years old when a freak boating accident nearly killed her in 2018. In the ensuing years, she’s battled infections, brain injuries, and PTSD while adjusting to life as a bilateral amputee. During the same period, Schaffer completed her college degree (graduating magna cum laude), became a high-profile blood-donation advocate for the American Red Cross, took up handcycling and sit-skiing, and landed a modeling gig with Kim Kardashian’s SKIMS line.
At her book-release party this spring, Schaffer told reporters, “It’s so much easier to notice what we don’t have than it is to remind ourselves of everything that we do have. [Limb loss] forced me to be confident and love myself for who I am now. I think it was the most important lesson I could’ve ever learned.”
You can order Without Any Warning at indiebound.org or the author’s website, stefanieschaffer.com.