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Bill Introduced to Place Moratorium on CMS? Draft LCD for Lower Limb Prostheses

Bill Introduced to Place Moratorium on CMS? Draft LCD for Lower Limb Prostheses

On April 25, Representative Renee Ellmers (R-NC) introduced H.R. 5045, Preserving Access to Modern Prosthetic Limbs Act of 2016. The ...

Presidential Candidates Must Take a Stand on Social Security, AARP Voter Survey Shows

In a new AARP survey of likely voters over age 50, 86 percent say leadership is a very important quality ...

Össur Acquires Touch Bionics

Össur, Reykjavik, Iceland, has acquired Touch Bionics, Livingston, Scotland. The purchase price is £27.5 million (US $39 million) on a ...